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The Top 5 Easiest College Degrees of 2016

Check out the top 5 easiest degrees to get in college in order from 1-5 using available data from the National Center for Education Statistics, this enables us to identify a few helpful categories.  The first being the average GPA for that certain degree.  Also this helps to take into account the average time that goes into it getting a certain degree.  There are many students that have a certain academic path in mind.  This can be a positive thing or a negative thing.  It can be positive if you are sure what college, you are looking to pursue.  Although many students start out with a certain degree in mind or a specific path they would like to take.  This can get more complicated than you think.  When you are picking a certain degree, will it require you to write a essay or paper, often?  For instance you might think a Business & Management degree might not be to difficult to attain.  That is not the case we actually have ranked this college path, to be the third hardest for students.  Some of the reasons it is so difficult, include some of the classes you will have to take.  Not only will you have take a few finance and accounting classes mixed in with a few other tricky subjects that can affect your GPA.  That is not even the main reason for this college degree to be ranked in the top 5 hardest college degrees to obtain.  The main reason is the average time it takes the student to complete their degree for Business & Management.  This degree for college students actually takes the second highest average time of any degree to complete.  Now that I have told you a little bit about how we rate the difficulty of these academic college degrees.  Lets go ahead and tell you the top 5 easiest college degrees of 2016.  Furthermore, are there any diplomas that are nothing more than a piece of paper.  In addition, no matter what path you take, an admission essay is inevitably in your future.  Start, to think about your path, so you can relate the paper to the goals you hope to accomplish, on your journey. A relevant and relatable essay is the key to admissions.

Learn about the easiest academic career paths and Paper Requirements

1: Education –  Many academic college students don’t attribute to the idea that education would be on the top of the list but this is the case.  Our research confirms that the academic college students who arrive in college have the lowest average SAT essay scores.  The crazy thing about this is the education college degree majors have the highest GPA for students.  This is also one of the lower averages for the amount of time it takes a academic college student to complete their degree.  If you do decide to pursue education as your college degree of 2016 you have the easiest route by our calculations.  One other thing to consider is if you decide to be a professor you will need to be able to manage a classroom and comfortable teaching your criteria to your students. You may have to write a paper many times on this path, but it could be worse.

2: Humanities – Although we have the humanities college degree sitting in the second spot.  Education and Humanities degrees are very close to being just about the same based on our calculations.  One thing I would suggest for this degree is to know what direction you will want to pursue in your academic career. With dance, English, or classics degree, as a group this is one of the easiest majors a student can sign up for. Also, for college students looking to keep a good GPA this would be your best bet. The good news for college students trying to receive a degree in humanities is the average GPA.  The humanities college degree even trumped education for the highest percentage of students with a 3.5+ bracket, who had all done really well on their essay prompt.

3: Math –  One academic college essay degree us and many people are surprised to see coming in at the third easiest is math.  If you are getting your essay degree in math many people would assume that some of the classes you would have to take would be very difficult.  After doing the calculations a math degree actually had the 3rd highest GPAs in the 3.5+ category.  Another positive of getting your academic degree in math is that it has the lowest average completion time of any college degree in 2016.  On this path you will not have to write a paper or essay many times.

4:  Computer/Information Science –  This category may also surprise some college students, but this academic degree has the 5th highest average GPA. Not only is that a positive but it has the highest percentage of students working a second job or spare time for activities outside class.  The average amount of hours we calculated using our algorithm comes out to about a little over 42 hours.

5:  Health –  Usually when people think of a college health degree.  They tend to think you would have to endure all the classes and hours of studying to be a specific type of doctor.  But there is good news if you are looking to work more discursively in the healthcare industry, there is actually a bachelors degree you can pursue.  A degree in health administration is a bachelors degree that gives you the opportunity to work more on the business side of the healthcare industry.  A bachelors degree in health administration would set you up good for a job in managing hospital operations or even human resources.